What is a paper mock? We are high tech geeks – we don’t need no stinking paper!
In my mind, “paper” is more about a state of mind than it is about media. The goal of a paper mock is to be highly collaborative, non-attached, and open.
Quality Gameplay | Thoughtful Design
What is a paper mock? We are high tech geeks – we don’t need no stinking paper!
In my mind, “paper” is more about a state of mind than it is about media. The goal of a paper mock is to be highly collaborative, non-attached, and open.
…AND WE CAN’T STOP SHOUTING!!! But we’ll try….
The prototype arrival is the game company equivalent of leveling up X 5, finding rare armor AND rolling a natural 20 all at once!
But enough talk, take a look at these pics and then sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest in Weather Zen™! Join us at PrezCon February 22-28 for playtesting!