Weather Zen™, Tabletop Edition The Story So Far… In the time before the Harnessing, the weather beat furiously on the land. The crops withered and died. With them went the old, the infirm and the very young. It is said that no one can control the weather. But once, there was a group of learned monks who were determined to do just that. Using four magic stones in a secret ritual performed in their Sanctuary, they created a tenuous balancing of earth, air, fire and water that saved Aqun… …for a time… The Village Feud Why is there a village called “Deppendorf” [dumb guy’s village]? Who would voluntarily call their home like that? Maybe here is what happened: In a shady pub, two men started arguing… BaaS Connect – A Tool for Game Creators BaaS Connect is a general-purpose connector linking Unity Games with a “BaaS”, Backend as a Service. The initial version is designed to work with the PlayFab service. In the future we would like to build versions that support and other similar products.